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Types of Poker Cheating - Poker Cheat Marked Playing Cards Manufacturer | SAN

Types of Poker Cheating

poker cheating

Poker cheating is a form of playing outside the rules that is intended to give an unfair advantage. Most people will never have to deal with this, but it is always a good idea to be aware of these tactics.

One of the most common ways that cheaters try to manipulate the game is by marking cards. This can be done by bending, crimping or burning the cards.

Switching cards

Switching cards is one of the most traditional cheating methods in poker games. It involves bringing a card from your pocket or somewhere else and changing it for another at the table.

When playing poker, it is important to keep your hand hidden so that other players can’t see it. It is also a good idea to avoid spreading your card out.

It is important to wait for a better card and then make the switch or play the hidden card. Doing this will allow you to improve your hand and increase your chances of winning.

A good card sharp will be able to swap cards easily without anyone noticing. They will use sleight of hand and other techniques to fool others at the table.


Collusion is a form of poker cheating where players secretly work together to improve their hands. This can be done in a variety of ways, including soft play, whipsawing, and dumping.

Colluding is a common strategy used in online poker. It can be detected with state-of-the-art software that alerts fraud experts at poker sites of any suspicious player actions.

In most cases, it’s easier to detect colluding at live tournaments because the poker tables are monitored closely and can easily catch these players in action. However, in online poker, it’s much more difficult to track down players who are colluding.

This is where two players covertly work together and gang up against an innocent player. It’s a common practice at tournaments because it’s more effective than squeezing.

Marking cards

Marked cards are a type of poker cheating that allows players to see what cards their opponents have. They can be used in many ways, including to help detect collusion.

Markings on a deck of cards may be made accidentally or intentionally. Typically, the cheater will choose to mark only a few cards, usually the most powerful ones like spades or kings.

One of the most effective types of marking is block-out. This method involves putting dyes or pigments onto the back of the cards and waiting for them to dry completely before playing.

Another way to mark cards is to daub the card. This can be done by dragging your index finger over the back of the card.

This is a common technique for many poker cheaters. They use it to change their underdog situation in a poker game. However, it is not a good strategy for all games. Moreover, it can be easily detected by other players.


Poker bots are a form of poker cheating that is used to take advantage of players. They are computer programs that play online poker games automatically and can be programmed to make decisions based on the cards dealt and other player actions.

They don’t suffer from fatigue, emotion, or tilt like humans do and can play for hours at a time without making mistakes. However, they aren’t as accurate as a human player and they don’t understand bluffs or adjust to opponents’ strategies.

Using bots to cheat in poker is illegal and can lead to harsh penalties, including account closure and bankroll confiscation. Most poker sites have banned them, though some accept RTA (real-time assistance) tools as a way to help players.

In an effort to combat poker bots, PokerStars has a dedicated team of experts and data scientists who use purpose-built software to identify and remove users who are breaking the terms of service. This includes bot detection, which they claim to be the best in the industry.

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